AccuGrit 2021 Business Highlights.

The big day is nearly upon us, and whilst the season festivities are in full swing at the AccuGrit office, we are in the middle of our busiest season. Looking at the forecast of a cold Christmas, we will undoubtedly be squeezing in our mince pies and turkey dinners around operations. Luckily the AccuGrit team […]

Service Enhancements – Wintersense Reliable Road Temperature Measurements

At AccuGrit, innovation is at the heart of everything we do and a key pillar in our culture. So even before AccuGrit was launched, the leadership team spent time in the USA (because they have consistent winters so are naturally more progressive) to research plus meet with peers to find out what could be learned […]

Our UK 2021 Winter Weather Predictions (Will it be a White Christmas?)

This year you have probably heard most forecasters mention that we’re anticipating a colder than average winter due to the La Nina we talked about earlier in the year (link to blog here). This weather pattern will create more of a wavy pattern in the jet stream, which generally leads to less strong westerly winds […]

About AccuGrit, how we got started and the services we provide.

Over the past few months, we’ve taken the time to introduce our team members, so we thought it was about time we introduced AccuGrit the business with a bit of background on how and why the company started up, our services, and how we operate. Our Business in a Nutshell…. Founded in 2019, Accugrit was […]

We are now members of the National Winter Service Research Group (NWSRG).

We are delighted to announce that we have recently been accepted as a Technical and Advisory Group (TAG) member of the National Winter Service Research Group (NWSRG). The NWSRG is a members group dedicated to advancing understanding of best practices for winter service delivery, taking the best from currently available knowledge, and supplementing gaps with new knowledge and […]

How Summer Increases Our Profits.

It is that time of year when we swap winter ice for ice cream and we know what you are thinking, how does a Winter Maintenance service provider increase their profits during summer? Well in the shortest explanation, it is because we must do all the planning, business development, maintenance, procurement and recruiting during summer […]

Our UK 2021 Summer Weather Prediction

Considered quintessentially British, comfortably beating traits such as queuing politely and eating fish & chips, the hot topic of conversation amongst UK residents is always the current weather status and what is imminently forecasted. Now, with the pandemic restricting overseas holidays and wanting to catch up with family and friends after a long lockdown, our […]

“If there was an award for a top supplier, you would win”.

As the nights draw out and the slightly milder weather starts, it marks the end of our busy season, which means our customer satisfaction survey has been sent and the results evaluated. Even though we continually monitor our client’s feedback throughout the year, we believe a satisfaction survey, prompting transparent responses to a range of […]

Snow in April!

April has been a cold month and we have to date had teams gritting on every day somewhere in the UK. We’ve also experienced snow to many areas of the UK but snow clearing hasn’t been required as gritting that had taken place was sufficient in keeping the sites Ice and Snow free. Snow in […]