Facilities Management Services

Case Study: AccuGrit’s Winter Maintenance Services for Local Council Car Parks

Client Profile: AccuGrit, a renowned winter maintenance services provider, was commissioned to deliver

Snowy landscape with warning sign and copy space

AccuGrit Joins the KCS Procurement Services Framework for Winter Maintenance and Associated Services

AccuGrit, a leading winter maintenance provider and associated services, is thrilled to announce

The Importance of Experience in Winter Gritting and Snow Removal Service Industry.

‍When it comes to winter maintenance and ensuring safe and accessible premises, experience

Winter Maintenance Case Study – Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

Introduction: AccuGrit takes immense pride in providing top-notch winter maintenance services to Sheffield

Meet The Team: James Berry – Resident Meteorologist

We are thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our team at AccuGrit

Case Study: AccuGrit Winter Maintenance Service Delivery for a Train Service Depot

Overview: AccuGrit is a leading winter maintenance service provider that specialises in offering