Service Enhancements – Wintersense Reliable Road Temperature Measurements

At AccuGrit, innovation is at the heart of everything we do and a key pillar in our culture. So even before AccuGrit was launched, the leadership team spent time in the USA (because they have consistent winters so are naturally more progressive) to research plus meet with peers to find out what could be learned […]

Our UK 2021 Summer Weather Prediction

Considered quintessentially British, comfortably beating traits such as queuing politely and eating fish & chips, the hot topic of conversation amongst UK residents is always the current weather status and what is imminently forecasted. Now, with the pandemic restricting overseas holidays and wanting to catch up with family and friends after a long lockdown, our […]

Snow in April!

April has been a cold month and we have to date had teams gritting on every day somewhere in the UK. We’ve also experienced snow to many areas of the UK but snow clearing hasn’t been required as gritting that had taken place was sufficient in keeping the sites Ice and Snow free. Snow in […]