Dean is on the Verge…

Not only is Dean heavily involved in supporting Ormiston Families and later this year participating in the ‘Whole Hog’ for them but being MD at AccuGrit has quite literally sent him to the verge, as he volunteers with Road Nature Reserves Suffolk (RNRS).

Road Nature Reserves are stretches of roadside verges that support populations of rare and unusual plants and fungi, as many of the roadsides verges, are old and on the edges of routes that have changed little over the centuries.

These verges are the remains of the semi-natural grassland that was once widespread throughout the country, but which has declined by 98% since 1945, due to changes in land use, intensive cultivation and drainage.

With careful management of these sites, the team of wardens aim to preserve the species on RNRs, giving future generations the chance to enjoy these remnants of ancient grassland meadows.

If you fancy finding out more about this or how you can involve contact Dean at: [email protected]

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